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Complete Silence From The MSM As Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine Is BANNED Due To Serious Risks Of Blood Clots

The Covid-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson has been nearly completely banned in the United States due to a “severe risk of blood clots” – and the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know about it.
The FDA announced on Thursday that the shot should only be administered to individuals who are unable to obtain another vaccine or who specifically request Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine.
After reviewing new evidence on the risk of life-threatening blood clots within two weeks after vaccination, FDA regulators opted to severely restrict the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, according to a statement.
Theguardian.com reports: The decision is the latest restriction to hit Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose vaccine, which has long been overshadowed by the more effective two shots from Pfizer and Moderna.
In December, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended prioritizing the Moderna and Pfizer shots over Johnson & Johnson’s because of its safety concerns. Previously, US officials had treated all three vaccines similarly because they’d each been shown to offer strong protection.
But follow-up studies have consistently shown lower efficacy for Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine.
Source: en-volve.com
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